demir sülfat

Ferrous Sulfate

Ferrous Sulfate formula

Wastewater treatment systems and water treatment chemicals is one of the most widely used ferros sulfate. Ferrous used as fertilizer and feed additive. Ferrous Sulphate of iron contains between 17-20% within. FeSO4.7H2O treatment of industrial wastewaters by the formula shown in the ferrous sulfate coagulant (clotting) . Contains a very small amount in Fe +2 and Fe +3. High efficient treatment chemical. Ferrous sulfate turbidity wastewater operating range and so on. Depending on the values ??5-10 pH range is considered.

Ferrous Sulphate green, light blue crystalline structure. Density unhidrat 2.84 g/cm3 (anhydrous) (anhydrous), 2.2 g/cm3 pentahydrate (pentahydrate) (5 aqueous), 1898 g/cm3 heptahydrate (heptahydrate) (7 aqueous). Molecular weight 151,908 g / mol (anhydrous) unhidrat, 169.92 g / mol (monohydrate) (monohydrate), 278.05 g / mol (heptahydrate) (heptahydrate).

Ferrous Sulfate Features

Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4)
Chemical Name Ferrous Sulfate
Chemical Formula FeSO4
Molecular Weight 51.908 g/mol unhidtat (anhydrous)
169.92 g/mol monohidrat (monohydrate)
278.05 g/mol hepta hidrat (heptahydrate)
Color Green, blue
Density 2.84 g/cm3 unhidrat (anhydrous)
2.2 g/cm3 penta hidrat (pentahydrate)
1.898 g/cm3 hepta hidrat (heptahydrate)
Odor Odorless
Form Granule


In the form of 25kg and 50 kg bags.

Where to Use

Ferrous sulfate used in wastewater treatment systems.
Used as feed additives, fertilizer and iron sulfate in the agricultural sector.
Ferrous sulfate is used in dyeing wool.
Ferrous sulfate used in water treatment processes.

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